Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Equation of an Ellipse with python

Welcome readers,

I have another program to share.
This program will find the equation of an ellipse for you.
Just provide the values you have.

This program supports 8 combinations of values and can find the equation of ellipse if it is given sufficient values required.

Requires values:

Vertices and Foci


Equation of major axis and a and b


Length of major axis and Foci


Length of minor axis and Foci


a and Foci


Equation of major axis and 2 points through which the ellipse passes


Eccentricity and  Equation of major axis and a point lying on ellipse


Foci and Eccentricity

** This program can find the equations which have 1/something as the coefficients of the variables and is not reliable for coefficients like something(1)/something(2) as it converts such coefficients to 1/(something(1)/something(2)) and the value returned is approximate and not exact.

 Download Program: Datafilehost

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Gurpreet Singh

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