Converting numbers to words is not something so very needed in daily life but it is fun and maybe useful too.
This program is designed for this very task.
This program is designed for this very task.
It can convert numbers with up to 24 figures i.e 0 to 999999999999999999999999 !
I do not think it would be easy to convert even a 14 figure number into words and this program does that up to 24.(Yeah, It is ought to do so as it took almost 90 lines of code and about one hour of mine)
So, Hang on for more such stuff if you like python and python palace.
Download program: Datafilehost
This program was deleted by the file host due to inactivity. I have 'rebuilt' it.
Check out the new post for this program here.
I do not think it would be easy to convert even a 14 figure number into words and this program does that up to 24.(Yeah, It is ought to do so as it took almost 90 lines of code and about one hour of mine)
So, Hang on for more such stuff if you like python and python palace.
Download program: Datafilehost
This program was deleted by the file host due to inactivity. I have 'rebuilt' it.
Check out the new post for this program here.
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